The Canadian Information Ecosystem

This report captures a snapshot of the Canadian information ecosystem in 2023. It is the first such effort to provide a baseline against which future studies can be benchmarked. It offers a range of analyses, reflections, and insights into the Canadian information environment. Behind these are millions of data points drawn from social media and surveys. An exceptionally talented and energetic team of scholars have collected, cleaned, analysed, and interpreted the data and have laid out their empirical assessment of the nature and character of the Canadian information ecosystem.

This report is part of a broader ambitious project aiming to radically increase Canadian capacity to study and understand the way information comes to shape the political discourse and inform the attitudes and behaviours of Canadians. This project - the Canadian Digital Media Research Network (CDMRN) - is many years in the making and exists today because many leading scholars and public servants recognize the urgent need to better understand the forces shaping our information ecosystem. The Research Network is funded by Heritage Canada’s Digital Citizen Initiative.

Full report available


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